Parent groups for sleep
Parent groups for sleep
Group of parents (0-12 months for sleep)
Coming soon
- -50% for the second parent
Group of parents (1-5 years for sleep)
Coming soon
- -50% for the second parent
Group of parents (0-12 months for sleep)
The group consists of 3 weekly meetings of a 2-hour duration each
Maximum number of participants: 7 people
Cost: 115€/person, 50% discount for the second parent
Where: online via zoom
When: coming soon
What does the program include?

1. What is normal in infant sleep (infant physiology, circadian rhythms, sleep architecture and patterns, frequency of awakenings, attachment, response, independence, temperament, habits and myths in relation to sleep).
2. Safety in sleep (safety in the crib, in co-sleeping, in the sleeping area, emotional safety).
3. How to take care of my baby (signs of drowsiness, quality time, lifestyle, connection, reassurance in crying).
1. How to establish healthy sleep habits (sleeping environment, routines, diet, and activity).
2. Indicative sleep schedules for infants from 0 to 12 months.
3. What to be aware of when introducing solid foods.
1. Why does my baby cry a lot and how can I help him/her (common undiagnosed medical issues that you need to know).
2. My baby does not sleep. What are the causes (analysis of all the sleep “pillars” to identify the root causes that make it difficult for your baby to sleep well).
3. Parent self-care and external support options.
Group of parents (1-5 years for sleep)
The group consists of 4 weekly meetings of a 2-hour duration each.
Maximum number of participants: 7 people
Cost: 195€/person, 50% discount for the second parent
Where: online via zoom
When: coming soon
What does the program include?

1. What is normal in children’s sleep (physiology, circadian rhythms, sleep archtecture and patterns, frquency of awakenings, needs of attachment – response – authenticity – independence, habits, temperament, etc.).
2. Separation anxiety and other physiological transitions.
3. Activity and play (quality connection time, physical activity needs, overstimulation).
1. Healthy sleep habits (sleep environment, diet, routines, and screens).
2. Indicative sleep schedules for children from 1 to 5 years old.
3. Indicative nutrition program for a good sleep for children from 1 to 5 years.
1. Transitions (moving to another bed, another room, night weaning, etc.).
2. My child does not sleep. What are the causes (analysis of all the sleep “pillars” to identify the root causes that make it difficult for your child to sleep well).
3. My child has a difficult behavior. What are the causes and how can I help him/her.
1. Parents’ relationship with sleep
2. Parental stress
3. Parental self-care
4. Support
5. Any other obstacles? Open discussion
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Parent Groups, Seminars, Individual Sessions
Personalized programs
Structured fixed-term programs for your family (for children 0-6 years old)
Seminars from 30€/person - Webinars of 2.5-3 hours with the possibility of participation
Individual Sessions
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